Holy Raw hair is 100% unprocessed hair collected from below 21 years old ladies before marriage which are donated to the temple in Kerala with holy function.This is the hair with high positive energy; protect your skin and health.The hair is directly cut from a single donor and immediately wrapped into a bundle in order to keep all cuticles intact and in the same direction.This hair is tangle free.This is the highest quality hair in the world as it is 100% natural which will last life long(In Kerala all are using Coconut Milk Oil for their Hair growth).Quality Hair & Solutions acquires its hair from Kerala temples (land of coconut trees).This natural hair can be dyed or bleached to change to any color and structure. It’s not available anywhere in the market only available from Kerala temples and we are the only licensed company to provide it.The structure of our Kerala Holy hair is natural, so its structure and color will never change by wash. Durability of Holy Hair is normally Life long.